ASIS MEMBERS NOTE: Attendees to this event can earn up to 14.50 CPEs for both days (Day 1: 7.00 CPEs & Day 2: 7.50 CPEs)
Day 1 – Security Leadership
Leadership Principles for a Rapidly Changing World
Not everyone is called to be the top leader in an organization, and so we need to learn to lead from “the middle”. So says John C. Maxwell, author of The 360 Degree Leader.
Maxwell points out, “99% of all leadership occurs not from the top but from the middle of an organization.” And that’s where most security leaders are.
“Today’s leadership models are of little help because they are preparing you for a routine world that no longer exists.”
–Jeff Dickson
“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.”
–Peter Drucker

Relevant Learning and Meaningful Discussions in a Modern Business Environment
“Successful people don’t have any fewer problems than unsuccessful people; they just have a different mindset in dealing with them.”
–John C. Maxwell
“By understanding the personal leadership mindset, you can easily be an even more valuable leader right from where you are now in your current position.”
–Ray Bernard
Why do we focus on a personal leadership mindset?
“Successful people don’t have any fewer problems than unsuccessful people; they just have a different mindset in dealing with them.”
–John C. Maxwell
“Sensemaking, not problem-solving, has become the #1 indicator of leadership effectiveness.”
–MIT Leadership Institute
Why do we provide a free online leadership test after registration?
“99 percent of all leadership occurs not from the top, but from the middle.”
–John C. Maxwell
“Just knowing the personal leadership mindset, you can be an even more valuable leader right where you are now.”
–Ray Bernard
Why do we send attendees two free leadership books after registration?
“We want you know the same timeless principles that our GSO Event session leaders have built their successes on.”
–Ray Bernard
“Your life today is a result of your thinking yesterday. Your life tomorrow will be determined by what you think today.”
–John C. Maxwell
Day 2 – AI and Advancing Technology
Get All Your Technology Questions Answered
Bring Your Own Risks
Bring your own risks and get your own people-process-technology use case solutions. A multi-layer approach to risk mitigation (no single points of failure) usually involves policy and procedure as well as technology application elements.
Bring Questions and Challenges
This is the time to explore typical deployment timelines and project challenges and learn what’s involved for security and IT role decisions, planning and preparations.
We Can Now Fix the Key Shortcomings of Most Security Technology Deployments
We are at a historic watershed moment in the advancement of electronic physical security technology. The next 10 years of physical security will be a radical transformation from the previous 50 years – thanks to the latest advancements in AI, automation and intelligent devices, and the continuing exponential advancement of technology.
New Capabilities for Device and System Interoperability
In advance we’ll email you a link to get your GSO mobile access credential you can try at GSO on multiple reader types. Learn how to better manage disparate a disparate systems landscape through automated workflows.
How Fast Can You Change All Your Camera Passwords and Firmware?
Cyber attacks on physical security systems continue to rise. Find out how you keep your security systems from being vulnerable to the growing cyber-threat landscape.
Cloud vs. On-premise, or Both?
See what’s possible and what makes the most sense for your security system deployments.

Separate AI Fact from Fiction and Use AI to Get Immediate Benefits
“Digital transformation is not digitizing video images. It’s quickly transforming video data into insightful and actionable information.”
–James Connor
“The right AI-enabled technologies can be a significant force-multiplier to your existing security technology investment. ”
–Ray Bernard
What are the Day 2 expert panels about?
- AI, Automation and Security Operations & Administration
- Edge Computing and The Modern LAN approach to networking at the edge
- Operationalzing AI throughout your physical security technology to achieve real-time Situational Awareness for proactive and preemptive security operations
What are the Day 2 afternoon self-guided discussions?
- Attendees are free to talk with other attendees as well as most of the Day 1 session leaders
- Refreshments and Snacks are available
- You get in-depth technology hands-on and discussion time with vendors and some of their security practitionse customers