About GSO Events

ASIS MEMBERS NOTE: Attendees to this event can earn up to 14.50 CPEs for both days
(Day 1: 7.00 CPEs & Day 2: 7.50 CPEs)
Previous Events
The GSO Events are always held at the world headquarters of companies supporting leading corporate and site security program practices.
The GSO Events were co-founded by Ray Bernard and James Connor in 2007, to help keep security practitioners apace with leading security management practices and technology advances – which have both accelerated their rate of advancement – as have the risks that practitioners’ organizations face.
On Day One, security leaders present insights into the success factors of the world’s best security program elements and approaches.
On Day Two, the hands-on tech experience provides opportunities to use and discuss the most advanced physical security technology available today, and discuss practical applications of emerging technology and tech trends.
Previous Event Locations
- Adobe World Headquarters, San Jose, CA
- The Home Depot Headquarters, Atlanta, GA
- The RAND Corporation World Headquarters, Santa Monica, CA
- Yahoo! Corporate Headquarters, Sunnyvale, CA
- Vari® (formerly VariDesk®) Global Headquarters, Irving, TX
- LinkedIn Global Headquarters, Sunnyvale, CA
Event Management
GSO 2030 event management is provided by Pamela Peak Productions. Pamela Peak is an emmy-nominated producer and director, as well as an award-winning documentarian and screenwriter. Pamela Peak Productions has managed the previous GSO events, as well as many other productions such as the Hilton Hotel opening night gala for a Hollywood film festival at the Chinese Mann Theater, and other show business related events.

GSO 2025 attendees can earn up to 11.25 ASIS CPE credits.
(Instructional hours: DAY 1 – 7.25 hours & DAY 2 – 4 hours)
All attendees will receive a GSO 2025 certificate of attendance by email a few days after the event.
Why a New Event?
Security industry conferences are more about quantity than quality of interactions for practitioners and solution providers.
GSO events create high-quality interactions that last two full days and well beyond the event.
Security Practitioner Challenges
Legacy Mindsets. Although security is now elevated to a board level and C-suite business concern, many senior business stakeholders still have outdated thinking when it comes to security risk management and security technology utilization.
Exponential Tech Advancement. Furthermore, technology is now advancing exponentially. How can security practitioners keep their security stakeholders up to date, when they can hardly keep themselves up to date on the tech?
Widespread Impacts. There is no aspect of a security program – people, process or technology – that is not impacted by the new rates of business change, risk change, and technology exponential advancement.
Only the GSO event addresses the key industry conference shortcomings and the security practitioners’ main leadership and technology challenges.
This is security’s most actionable event ever – because it is designed to be so.
Listen to the testimonials of previous attendees and see what they have to say about it.
Confidently address your specific challenges.
Whatever your organization or technology challenges are, GSO provides guidance and tools to help you address them.
What’s more, you’ll hear from practitioners who apply these materials and can discuss levels of effort, timelines, and how to measure your results so you can plan based on real-world experience.
How We Make GSO Actionable
Pre-Event Attendee Conversations. Prior to the event we talk to each attendee to understand their motives and objectives for participating. This includes specific questions and challenges they want to address, and what aspects of technology they’d like to learn about in the Hands-On GSO Tech Lab.
Pre-Event Leadership Assessment. All attendees receive a free copy of The 360 Degree Leader book, which includes a special code to take the online 360 Degree Leadership Test assessment. They come to the event knowing what they need to work on and what they need to reinforce, and can talk to previous attendees who have already applied the 360 Degree Leader materials and obtained results. They go home ready to start enabling their organizational security stakeholders to advance the level of security program.
Dozens of Proven Tools. The leadership and technology sessions all reference valuable tools and books that are available to all attendees either free or via Amazon purchase during or after the event. All attendees receive the session presentations and additional reference materials after the event.
Self-Guided In-Depth Discussions. “Leave no stone unturned” is one motto of the GSO event. The entire Day 2 afternoon is dedicated to self-guided discussions with other attendees, session leaders, and technology sponsor personnel.
Technology Sponsor Preparation. We collaborate with the technology sponsors ahead of the event itself, not just about our technology expert panels, but about the chief concerns and desires of the attendees. We tell the attendees to “bring your own risks”, and we tell the sponsors to “bring your best use cases” based on what the attendees have said they are looking for or want to learn about. Previous GSO attendees have told us that the Day Two technology experience is way better than any other event they have attended.
GSO Event personnel and the technology sponsors work hard to make sure that attendees take home more ideas relevant to their security programs and technology than from any other event they have attended.