Please Add Me to the Invitation List Event In August of 2025 at a special corporate headquarters facility in the Greater Los Angeles area.Get the Early Registration Discount We open event registration early for those on our invitation list, and also provide them with an early registration discount of $100. GSO Event seats fill up in advance, so getting on the Invitation List assures that you won't miss out on the event. Want to Help Shape the Focus of Our Sessions? We want GSO 2030 to be as directly relevant to you and your work as possible. So, ff you like, help shape the focus of our event sessions, by sharing your questions and suggestions. Our session leaders will consider your questions and feedback as they finalize the content of their sessions. In your invitation list confirmation email, we'll provide information on how you can provide us with your feedback. Help make this the most beneficial two days of security thinking that you've ever engaged in. Join our invitation list and share your thoughts.Your Information We'll keep you updated as event details are finalized – including when the early registration discount becomes available.Name First Last Job TitleCompanyEmail 16713