Lies, Damn Lies, and Human Trafficking Statistics
Session Leader: Dr. Kimberly Mehlman-Orozco
Discusses the history of commercial sex in the United States and the intersection with sex trafficking, as well as the evolution of knowledge and efficacy of interventions, while focusing on opportunities and challenges for combating this pernicious crime.
What types of human trafficking crimes are being committed here in the United States? Who are the victims of traffickers? How do we all unknowingly consume the services and products of slavery? And why are human traffickers able to maintain their illicit operations with relative impunity—indeed, with less than .01 percent of human traffickers ever being held accountable for their crimes?
Realize how trafficking plays an unrecognized role in our day-to-day lives; and see why advancements in awareness and anti-trafficking resources have not changed the status quo. Learn what to be aware of, and how this may affect us as security professionals and everyday consumers of products and services.
Learn from Mehlman-Orozco’s first-hand experiences coming face-to-face with traffickers, victims, and those who struggle, often unsuccessfully or counterproductively, to find solutions to these problems. Understand why evidence-based practices are the key to stopping human trafficking activity.
Mehlman-Orozco is the author of the book available on Amazon,
Hidden in Plain Sight: America’s Slaves of the New Millennium.