Lies, Damn Lies, and Human Trafficking Statistics

Lies, Damn Lies, and Human Trafficking Statistics Back to Agenda pageSession Leader: Dr. Kimberly Mehlman-Orozco Discusses the history of commercial sex in the United States and the intersection with sex trafficking, as well as the evolution of knowledge and efficacy...

Lessons Learned: Securing Technology on the Edge at Massive Scale

Lessons Learned: Securing Technology on the Edge at Massive Scale Back to Agenda page Session Leader: Maria Sumnicht Question: The technology deployments for your NYC Cyber Command responsibilities were much larger and more complex than what most of the GSO 2025...

Insider Threat and Advanced Analytics

Insider Threat and Advanced Analytics Back to Agenda page Session Leader: Sulev Suvari Sulev will talk about the need at all levels of security risk management to better understand how people interact within and with corporate organizations. He will reference emerging...

The Secrets to Security Leadership

The Secrets to Security Leadership Back to Agenda page Session Leader: Ray Bernard Over the past 20 years the security profession has advanced from “guards, gates and guns” to a broader business-based approach to security risk management. That advancement has chiefly...